How To Play
Camera Controls
CAMERA CONTROLSMOVE: Drag with one finger on the screen to move the camera across your city.ZOOM: Spread or pinch with two fingers to zoom i...
Basic Buildings: Homes, Stores, and Factories
Basic BuildingsThe three main buildings in your city will be Homes, Stores, and Factories.Homes increase your Population and generate Peep T...
Building Placement
Building PlacementBuildings are placed from the Build Menu (the button at the bottom left of the screen). They can be dragged directly into...
Earning Coins
Factories & StoresFactories and Stores generate Coins over time, which are stored in the buildings.This storage is limited, and Coins wi...
GoodsGoods cards can be assigned to Stores and Factories to increase their Coins/h. This is done in the Goods Assignment screen, which can ...
Card UpgradesCards can be upgraded to increase their stats. A card can be upgraded when:Enough copies of the card are owned (the gauge on t...
DecorationsDecorations are primarily used to boost the stats of nearby buildings. If a building is within range of a Decoration, it will re...
AttractionsAttractions are buildings that can host three unique Events. Events can earn you:CoinsCashCardsTo start an Event, you must pay i...
MissionsMissions are objectives that, when completed, will reward you with Coins, Cash, or Cards. They also always give Progression Stars ne...
Hubs & Vehicles
Hubs & VehiclesHubs are where you manage your Vehicle fleet to make them available for Deliveries. By tapping on a Hub you can access t...
DeliveriesOnce Vehicles are assigned to Hubs, they can be used for Deliveries. Completing Deliveries will reward you with Coins or Cash, as...
Peep Thoughts
Peep ThoughtsPeep Thought bubbles appear above Homes and can be tapped. They come in two varieties: Positive and Negative:Positive (satisfi...
LeaderboardsLeaderboards allow you to compare your progress and compete with other players, whether they are living close to you or on the o...
HeatmapsHeatmaps are a tool designed to help you manage and optimize your city.By turning on Heatmaps, you can choose between three differen...
Daily Gifts
Daily GiftsReceive a gift the first time you connect every day! Most days, the gift will be randomly selected: Coins, Cash, or even Cards if...
Renaming Buildings
Renaming BuildingsYou can rename Buildings to give a personal touch to your city.In order to do so, select the Building you wish to rename a...
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