It is possible for you to add Friends to share your experience with them and compare your progress.

Where can I find my Friend Code?

You can find your Friend Code in the Social Menu under the "Friends" tab as well as under the "Friend Requests" tab. Your Friend Code can be copied by selecting the pale blue "Copy your code" button.

Feel free to paste this code in any messaging system outside the game to share it with your friends!

How can I add a player as a Friend with their Code?

You can add a player as your Friend if you know their Friend Code by selecting the green "Add Friend" button under the "Friends" tab of your Social menu.

Players added through the Friend Code system will appear under the "Friends" tab of the Social Menu.

How can I accept a Friend request?

You can find Friend requests under the "Friend requests" tab of your Social menu. Selecting an incoming request will allow you to accept it.

How can I add a fellow Corp. Member as a Friend?

You can add a Member of your Corporation as a Friend by heading to the Social Menu and selecting the "Corp." tab before clicking on their Profile Card and adding them as a Friend.

Does connecting to Facebook automatically add Friends?

Yes, connecting your Facebook account to the game will automatically add your Facebook Friends who play the game to your in-game Friend list. You can find them under the "Social" tab of the Social Menu.

How many Friends can I have?

You can have an unlimited amount of Friends added through the Facebook system, but can only add up to 50 players to your Friend list through the Friend Code system. Kindly note that this includes requests that have been accepted, but also requests that are pending approval and incoming requests. If you've reached this limit, feel free to remove existing Friends and cancel requests to send new ones.

There is also a limit of 25 incoming pending requests. Once that limit is reached, older requests will be automatically deleted.

Unanswered requests will be automatically deleted after 30 days.

How can I remove a player from my Friend list?

If the player you wish to remove from your Friend list had initially been added through the Friend Code system, you will find them under the "Friends" tab of your Social Menu. Tapping on their Card will allow you to visit their Park, send them a gift or remove them from your Friend list.

If the player you wish to remove from your Friend list had been automatically added through your connection to Facebook, you will find them under the "Social" tab of your Social Menu. There is no way to remove these players from your Friend list unless you wish to unfriend them on Facebook directly.

Is it possible to add a random player as a Friend?

There is no way to add a player as your Friend if they aren't Friends with you on Facebook and you don't know what their Friend Code is.

Many players post their Friend Code in Facebook fan groups, feel free to visit some of them and add other Players this way!